Fire Extinguisher Instructions 


To operate a Fire Extinguisher, follow the P-A-S-S method. (Shown below)
Do not get too close to the fire and have someone call the fire department.

Pull the pin Removing the safety pin will allow you to activate the extinguisher.
(Locking Mechanisms may vary, check the manufacturer's instructions)
Aim low Point the extinguisher at the base of the fire.
Squeeze the lever Discharge the extinguishing agent by squeezing the lever.
Sweep from side to side Sweep the extinguisher from side to side at the base of the fire.

Watch the extinguished fire area.  Should the fire rekindle, repeat this process.
After use, replace or recharge your fire extinguisher.

If the fire continues to grow, despite your efforts - GET OUT!

Don't forget to call the fire department first!

Some fire extinguishers operation instructions vary, please check the manufacturers directions.  It is recommended to understand the proper operation of your extinguisher before an emergency.


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