Fire Extinguishers 


Fire Extinguisher's are not all the same.  There are different types of fire, therefore there are different types of fire extinguisher.  Having the right Fire Extinguisher(s) in your home can save lives and property.  All fire extinguishers are labeled with standard symbols, letters, or both for the types (class) of fire they can extinguish.  Below is a chart showing and describing the classes.

Class Icon


ClipArt-ClassA.JPG (9362 bytes) Ordinary Combustibles
Wood, Paper, Cloth
ClipArt-ClassB.JPG (9811 bytes) Flammable Liquids
Gasoline, Oil
ClipArt-ClassC.JPG (10144 bytes) Electrical Equipment
Energized Electrical Equipment (Wire, Appliance, Machine)
ClipArt-ClassD.JPG (4679 bytes) Combustible Metals *
Magnesium, Titanium, Sodium, Zinc

* Not all Class D fires  use the same Class D Extinguishing Material.  Class D Fire Extinguishers designate what Combustible Metal its contents are specifically designed for extinguishing.

A slash through a symbol indicates the extinguisher can not be used on that class of fire.

Class A (only) extinguishers are not suitable for Class B or Class C fires and vice-versus.  Using the incorrect type of fire extinguisher can increase the danger posed.

Multipurpose fire extinguishers, labeled ABC, may be used on Class A, B, or Class C fires.  These extinguishers cannot be used on Class D fires.


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